Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday July 30

The riggers begin setting up their equipment for de-installation, and the back section of the accelerator solenoid is removed to gain access to the accelerator guide.

The guide won't come out with the solenoid still mounted, so the contractor makes a minor "adjustment" with a Sawzall.

The guide has been removed (mostly) intact; the steering coils are still attached at both ends. I plan to cut off a section of the guide and halve it so that the internal chambers are exposed. It should be an interesting visual aid for the school.

The gantry counterweight has been disconnected and is being lowered to the floor. That one piece is about 7000 lbs.

The gantry and drive stand are mounted to shipping iron, put on rollers, and headed for the door.

Sitting on the sidewalk behind the building, awaiting its fate.

Lifted so the shipping iron can be removed. The machine looks small in this picture, but that's because it's a really big forklift.

In the dumpster.

With the old machine out of the way, work can start on prepping the room for the TrueBeam.

Disassembly has begun at the console. All millwork and existing cables will need to be removed.

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